The medical families of Newmarket

There are a number of examples in the medical history of Newmarket where more than one generation of a family have been medics in the town. Click on the links below to follow the story of these families:-

The Fysons (19th and early 20th century – uncle and nephew).

The Grays (mid to late 19th and early to mid 20th century – father, son and two grandsons).

The Greenes (17th century, and likely late 16th century – likely older brother, younger brother, close relative, step son, and son-in-law!).

The Meads (mid to late 19th century – father and son).

The Pecks (early to mid 19th century – father and son).

The Sandivers (18th and early 19th century – father and son).

The Searanckes (18th century – father, son and grandson).